Welcome to SalesBeam Help

Beams help you establish, nurture and grow your sales and marketing objectives.

  • Send video messages (beams) & create a direct collaborationchannel with your prospects/customers.
  • Showcase your professionalism and Services/Products.
  • Create rapport from the start.
  • Differentiate yourself from your competition.
  • Automatically appends your beams to the CRM.
  • Recognize fellow team members for their team work.
  1. Select customer/prospect option.
  2. In the email field add the customer email or select from saved emails.
  3. Add your subject to subject field.
  4. Create a Beam.
  5. Optionally attach a file to your Beam.
  6. Optionally re-use an archived Beam.
  7. Send.
  1. Select Department.
  2. Select Employee(s).
  3. Select Category.
  4. Create Beam.
  5. Send.

Note: Please contact your administrator if you see the message to upload employees.

  • All beams and customer messages are saved to your app.
  • All team Recognition created and received is saved.
  • SalesBeam comes with a default email format that your prospect or customer will receive.
  • Your SalesBeam admin can modify the default email as needed.
  • Weekly Analytics shows your individual beam score.
  • This score is used by the App user to establish goals for number of Beams sent and customer engagement levels.
  • User can delete account info after loging into the app.
  • After login, go to Account Settings from right menu.
  • Select DELETE ACCOUNT options visible on screen.
  • Account will be deleted successfully.